
No more DVD scratches!

I have a huge DVD library. Sometimes I leave a disc in a dvd player for a long time and sometimes end up putting them in different cases. After doing this many times it is possible to scratch the disc. The worst thing that can happen is having to re-buy a DVD. There is now a design out there to protect your dvd's from scratches. It is called d-skin. It is a patented polycarbonate film that is a breakthrough in CD and data storage protection. It is a thin layer that protects against scratches. This is something that is a true gift to people who have a lot dvd's or a lot of video games. There are so many people I know who have to re buy xbox games because of scratches on the disc. Now with this new invention there will be a way to protect that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOAtgovD6Cg&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ecore77%2Ecom%2Fblog%2Fobject%5Fculture%2Fdvd%5Fcondoms%5Fkind%5Fof%5F12745%2Easp&feature=player_embedded


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